厂商: D21 JAPAND21 Leg-Endary 速效瘦腿丸(升级版) 官网: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ \ 象腿救星拯救双腿告别浮肿/ 升级版! 专注修整下半身身材,燃烧腿部脂肪,平衡腿部肌肉,排出多余水份,击退浮肿象腿! 针对腿部水肿,肥胖及肌肉问题,有效促进下半身血液循环,消除因久站或久坐引起的下半身肿胀。 【适用人士】:工作时站立时间比较长,长时间坐着工作或学习、经常穿高跟鞋,以及爱吃高盐分食物、宵夜、作息不定时而造成腿部虚胖肿胀人群。 一樽——排出多余水分,消除腿部水肿 两樽——为基本套装,体验瘦腿功效 三樽——为强效显著疗程,改善腿部线条,针对腿部整体循环,将下半身脂肪排出。 六樽——为最强塑型完整疗程,完美展现腿部线条和拉长身形比例,消除多余腿部脂肪,健康瘦下半身袪水肿,让肌肤更有弹性和光泽,达到瘦美腿的极致。 使用方法:每日服用3粒,可一次性/分段于早午晚餐后以温水服用,每樽90粒装。 由全天然成份配合草本研发健康瘦腿,拥有国际GMP及ISO 22000认证,可长期服用,绝无副作用。 全新升级版主要成分:添加白云石及鸟胺酸,帮助修补腿部软骨关节,并且帮助构成肌肉及减少脂肪比例,修好腿型。添加镁及银杏叶提取物,能调整下半身电解液平衡,排出体内多余水份,以免造成腿部水肿问题。功效: 有效促进下半身血液循环以消除由于久站或久坐引起的下半身粗大肿胀 加速分解腿部顽固脂肪,缩细脂肪细胞体积,改善脚型、塑造纤细线条 有效针对改善腿部肌肉过入发达问题,平衡小腿肌 针对改善减少腿部水肿,加强淋巴管循环,令线条效果完美呈现 \
- 来自 $76.00
$88.00- 来自 $76.00
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厂商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Morishita 森下仁丹Bifina S 益生菌30包 日本森下仁丹Bifina Si 晶球益生菌强免疫配方以比菲德氏菌为主,配合珍贵乳铁蛋白LF,特别针对平衡免疫系统、抗感染、调理过敏体质。益生菌及乳铁蛋白LF都容易被胃酸杀死或破坏,令他们无法在肠道发挥功效。森下仁丹用了超过20多年时间,研发「3层耐酸性晶球技术」,确保益生菌及乳铁蛋白LF可以直达肠道,发挥功效,产生协同效应,进一步改善肠道免疫力。 红色功效: 特别针对鼻敏感、湿疹问题,帮助调理过敏体质,增强免疫力,抗病毒入侵。 改善肠道健康,排走毒素 改善痘痘及敏感皮肤,提升皮肤质素 抑制恶菌生长,增强免疫力 针对过敏体质,改善湿敏征状,改善呼吸道健康 清宿便,减走假肚腩 蓝色功效: 定时畅便,排走毒素 减少肠道敏感 清宿便,减走假肚腩 提升皮肤质素/皮肤敏感 加强肠道健康,提升免疫力 【建议用法】:饭前或饭后吃均不影响益生菌的活性建议早上或晚上空腹吃! 【适用人群】:成人【原产地】:日本【有效期】:有效期见外包装(资料一概以产品实物为准)
- 来自 $45.00
- 来自 $45.00
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厂商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)贤者之食卓(阻淀粉隔油份) 6g x 30包 现代人最缺乏的食物纤维──贤者の食卓贤者の食卓的膳食纤维(难消化性糊精)是从粟米提取而来,可延缓肠道中淀粉的吸收,阻截脂肪,餐后将未及吸收的脂肪排出体外。它可以促进肠道蠕动、使排便顺畅,无色无味可水溶,使用简单方便,是受欢迎的新形态纤维。因为现代生活不健康饮食与生活习惯,纤维的重要性已经越来越为人所知,每天补充足够的纤维可以保持倡导健康防止便秘,以及控制油脂和糖的吸收。 其天然膳食纤维粉末全无味道、气味、高水溶性,能完全溶解于不同饮料,而不会改变味道。每餐一包,方便携带。建议经常进食高脂肪食品,并没有摄取足够的膳食纤维的人士食用。 双重支援: 阻淀粉,隔油份新式膳食纤维,每餐一包伴随正餐食用,可延缓肠道中淀粉的吸收,阻截脂肪,餐后将未及吸收的脂肪排出体外此产品或有助稳定血糖每餐一包,或有助稳定餐后血糖值升幅,一餐见效无色无味粉末状的水溶性膳食纤维,可溶解于水、奶茶、咖啡及餐汤等各种饮料,不影响其味道,可随个人喜好拣选餐饮成份天然 成份是由天然粟米提取而成的水溶性纤维,无副作用,无药性,适合长期食用且不会令身体造成依赖独立包装方便携带外出用餐,轻松帮你阻淀粉隔油份,令膳食变得更健康 食用方法:建议一日三餐,每餐食用一包。进餐时加入一包贤者の食卓,亦可于进餐前后30分钟内食用无色无味,方便溶解于各种餐汤、饮料,冷热皆宜避免加进有气饮品,以免引起泡沫四溢的情况大量摄入难消化性纤维有机会引起胀气或腹泻,视乎个人体质而定长期病患者或正接受任何疾病治疗的人士,使用本产品前,请咨询你的家庭医生或其他医疗专家 【注意事项】 1) 请遵照每日建议用量服用,身体感到异常时请停止服用。 2) 购买前请确认成分,有相应食物过敏者请勿服用。 3) 特殊人群(如儿童、孕妇、哺乳期·药物治疗期间等) 服用前请咨询医生意见。 4) 健康食品对服用时间基本没有规定,一般用餐后服用更易消化吸收。 5) 开封后请尽速食用。 6) 请置于阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射。 7) 内附之干燥剂/脱氧剂,请勿食用。 8) 请置于幼儿无法取得之处。 9) 使用后若有不适等状况,请停止使用并请教专业医生。 10) 请勿将产品放在阳光曝晒的地方。 产地: 日本包装规格: 5x(30x6克)
- $18.00
- $18.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 来自 $203.00
$217.00- 来自 $203.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $331.00
$348.00- $331.00
- 单价
- 单价
厂商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $260.00
- $260.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $358.00
$419.00- $358.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $321.00
$366.00- $321.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $448.00
$539.00- $448.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 来自 $482.00
$556.00- 来自 $482.00
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- 单价
厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $357.00
$398.00- $357.00
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- 单价
厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $482.00
$556.00- $482.00
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- 单价
厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $321.00
$346.00- $321.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAN\丰胸系列货品销量已突破19万/ 现货已全售罄 新批丰胸货品将于12月到货【现可接受先预订! 】 请把握购买机会! * 请注意下单后丰胸货品会于12月中时段寄出,到时会由电邮或 简讯作通知。 瘦腿有现货可优先寄货!
- $357.00
$398.00- $357.00
- 单价
- 单价
厂商: Yoshina JAPAN\丰胸系列货品销量已突破19万/ 现货已全售罄 新批丰胸货品将于12月到货【现可接受先预订! 】 请把握购买机会! * 请注意下单后丰胸货品会于12月中时段寄出,到时会由电邮或简讯作通知。 瘦腿有现货可优先寄货!
- $267.00
$279.00- $267.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAN\丰胸系列货品销量已突破19万/ 现货已全售罄 新批丰胸货品将于12月到货【现可接受先预订! 】 请把握购买机会! * 请注意下单后丰胸货品会于12月中时段寄出,到时会由电邮或简讯作通知。 瘦腿有现货可优先寄货!
- $203.00
$217.00- $203.00
- 单价
- 单价
厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $423.00
$485.00- $423.00
- 单价
- 单价
厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $267.00
$312.00- $267.00
- 单价
- 单价
厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $129.00
$138.00- $129.00
- 单价
- 单价
厂商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $267.00
$312.00- $267.00
- 单价
- 单价
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