Vendor: Mitsuba Global傳統染髮劑較刺激及傷害頭皮,經常使用容易令頭髮變得乾旱無光澤,頭皮敏感,甚至掉髮增多。日本50惠天然海藻染髮護髮膏,5大天然海藻精華,不含10大致敏成份,不傷頭皮及髮芯,適合每星期使用一次,保持均勻亮麗髮色。 1 天然海藻精華 染髮同時養髮2 溫和配方 不傷頭皮髮芯3 一推即可 無須混合 可供多次使用4 全新天然海藻染髮 適合每週使用5 自然4色選擇 [深棕色、亮棕色、自然黑色、紅棕色]請先帶上手套,取適量染髮護髮膏,從髮根開始均勻塗抹於頭髮在較多白髮的部分,請充分塗抹較多量的染髮護髮膏。等待20-30分鐘,用水充分清洗直至沖洗頭髮的水不再有顏色。配合使用
- $16.00
- $16.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商店(香港)Made in Japan, belulu AquaRufa exfoliating import and export cleansing device uses ultrasonic atomization to easily remove blackheads and dirt. Releases EMS micro-current tightening technology to stimulate the skin with moderate micro-current and promote activation. The addition of positive and negative ions can absorb...
- $101.00
$152.00- $101.00
- Unit price
- per
- Pearl Pink
- Pure White
Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商店(香港)Since it perfectly fits the contours of women with many curves and wraps around them, it can properly care for areas that are hard to reach with regular facial devices. This fit is addictive once you use it! Product Features The new version uses...
- $256.00
$322.00- $256.00
- Unit price
- per
- Melty Pink
- Gloss Gold
- Innocent White
Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商店(香港)How does this Japanese "black technology" weight loss device, which is popular in Japan and recommended by magazines, achieve "slimming" easily? The principle of the BELULU Cavi Style home ultrasonic slimming device from Japan's Beauty Angel Co., Ltd. is: Using Japanese lipolysis technology, it...
- $287.00
$534.00- $287.00
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- per
- Pink
- White
- Mauve
- Gold
- White
- Black
Vendor: D21 JAPAND21 IMMORTAL V Element: Adding ultra-fine particles of collagen and rare biological extracts, it can quickly eliminate facial edema, double chin, nasolabial folds, muscle sagging and other problems. The highest quality sodium hyaluronate has fine molecules. It can penetrate the skin and be quickly...
- From $79.00
$157.00- From $79.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: D21 JAPAN【Can't slim down your calves? Leg Savior - D21 Leg-Endary rescues your legs】 No matter how much exercise you do and slim down your entire body, your legs remain stubbornly thick and even get thicker over time... Try D21 Leg-Endary- Leg Slimming Pills. It...
- From $72.00
$84.00- From $72.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $315.00
$331.00- $315.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $247.00
- $247.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $341.00
$399.00- $341.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $427.00
$513.00- $427.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: Mitsuba Global腸道有問題會令你易病、易胖又易老!「淨腸活性益生菌」以 51 億個益生菌調理腸道,改善因腸道問題而出現的便秘、腹瀉、口臭及肌膚困擾,全面守護腸道健康。特別適合有排便困擾、關注腸道健康的人士補充。功效 : 特選有助改善排便情況的 50 億個長雙歧桿菌,以及1億個維持腸道年輕的短雙歧桿菌,配合 FANCL 獨有「抗胃酸保活菌製法」,令更多活菌直達腸道,有助增生腸道內的益生菌,調理腸道健康。容量 : 19.7 克(329 毫克 x 60 粒)成分 : 有效成分:長雙歧桿菌(50 億個)、短雙歧桿菌(1 億個)使用方法 : 每日 2 粒,飯後服
- $21.00
- $21.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalFancl 美肌膠原蛋白粉 30本入 日本原裝正貨 緊緻肌膚毛孔細緻HTC膠原蛋白:份子細,較一般的膠原蛋白更容易被肌膚吸收,有效補充肌膚每日流失的膠原蛋白。 提升修復機能:促進肌膚的更新,令肌膚的營養輸送更佳,提升肌膚的修復機能。 皮膚年齡持久年輕:膠原蛋白是維持皮膚彈性緊緻的重要元素,持續補充,、毛孔粗大,皺紋等問題,保持皮膚年齡年輕。 肌膚柔滑飽滿:擴大肌膚的儲水空間,讓肌膚的切片量時刻處於年青狀態,令出現粗糙,乾紋現象的肌膚回复柔滑飽滿。 從體內改善肌膚問題,護膚效果持久 獨有柔滑,修護配方,針對粗糙,乾紋,從體內補充柔滑修護元素,令肌膚徹底改善,回复柔滑透亮,緊緻無暇。 HTC膠原蛋白能令皮膚膠原蛋白倍增,擴大儲水空間,令皮膚的堆積量時刻處於年青狀態,基輔盡現水盈飽滿。 ■抗氧化,保護膠原蛋白功效兼備海岸松精華及多種強力抗氧化元素,配合藍靛果精華能防止膠原蛋白流失,組成強修護防線,肌膚持久保持狀態 主要成分/每日3.4克/天: HTC膠原蛋白(血漿三肽的膠原蛋白肽):3000毫克,玫瑰翻滾粉末:10毫克,維生素C:100毫克,透明質酸:1毫克 食用方法:每日1-2包,可加入喜愛的飲品中一起服用 ***效果因人而異,視乎個人之膚質,身體狀況及生活習慣等因素有所不同*** 注意事項⚠️1.請遵循產品標籤上的使用方法,食用份量攝入,並配合均衡飲食,切勿過量攝入。 2.個別人士或不宜服用,包括但不限孕婦,哺乳中的婦女,兒童,高血壓,心髒病,長期病患者,病者,正服用任何藥物之人士等,服用前應諮詢醫生意見,確認此產品適合您的需要。 3.如服用後有任何不適,過敏反應或特殊症狀,請立即停服並諮詢醫生。 4.此產品並不供作診斷,治療或預防任何疾病之用。 5.請遠離兒童及存放於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 6.產品中含有奶製品,蘋果,明膠。若您有對這些原料過敏者,請避免食用
- $31.00
- $31.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)FANCL - Deep Charge Collagen Drink 50mlx10 bottles There are 3,000mg of HTC fish collagen in this supplement, which is readily absorbed. In addition, Isoquer Citrine, a FANCL's uniquely selected ingredient, is combined with rose bud extract and vitamin C in a "new deep...
- $32.00
- $32.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalHiroki NMN Hiroki NMN promotes cell repair and regeneration, fighting signs of skin aging.It makes your skin look younger and more radiant. It also increases energy and stamina, making you feel more energetic and energized. Additionally, it helps improve cognitive function and memory, keeping...
- $0.00
- $0.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $305.00
$348.00- $305.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: INNESS JAPAN🌐Developed and produced by GMP certified factoryObtained ISO 22000 certificateIt is safe, natural and effective and can improve 16 common problems of women! INNESS Beauty AcneCare Drink (Endocrine Regulation) Deep conditioning is used to treat various discomfort problems in women caused by endocrine.Effectively reduces...
- From $51.00
$65.00- From $51.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalKodama Sleeping pills Whether it's work stress or uneasy emotions, it can interfere with your sleep.Kodama Sleeping pills are specially designed for people who have difficulty falling asleep.It contains high-quality ingredients to help you fall asleep easily and reduce distractions from your thoughts.Soothes your...
- $0.00
- $0.00
- Unit price
- per
Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Kose Cosmeport Grace One Perfect Gel Cream UV (SPF50+PA++++) 100gWith various effects, such as toning, eye cream and emulsion, this sun protecting cream carries SPF50+ PA++++, helping to nourish and maintain skin elasticity for a youthful complexion.Product Features:• Brightening effect: enriched with vitamin C...
- $39.00
- $39.00
- Unit price
- per
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