Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalBizuki NMN30000 PQQ PLUS+ 業界頂級的配方含量 容量:59.4g(每顆330mg × 180顆) 效能・效果 這是提供給多國皇室成員、名人及明星的最高級NMN產品。 一顆即可逆轉老化細胞,重拾年輕,改善肌膚細胞活性,發揮極致抗衰老效果。 修復DNA損傷,激活體內長壽基因,提升深層睡眠,抑制隨年齡增長導致的體重增加,恢復年輕時的活力。 保護大腦,提高記憶力和專注力。 抑制炎症反應,降低心血管問題的發生率,守護心臟健康。 成分 NMN(國內生產)、植物性乳酸菌粉末(滅菌)、反式白藜蘆醇、黑胡椒提取物、吡咯喹啉醌二鈉鹽 / 結晶纖維素、HPMC、硬脂酸鈣、二氧化矽、著色劑(氧化鈦、紅色102)。
- $2,620.00
- $2,620.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba Global水素時光膠囊 💎 100% 日本原料・日本製造🔬 「1秒內還原的秘密」✨ 日本首款最高級氫膠囊🌍 全球唯一具有顯著效果的氫膠囊 最大程度還原體內過氧化物,恢復年輕與健康! 應對:不規律的生活、食品添加劑過量攝取、運動不足、在家工作壓力 作用:預防體內氧化 & 強效還原 容量 26.1g(每粒290mg × 90粒) 效能・效果 ✅ 肝臟解毒:迅速分解酒精中的乙醛(アセトアルデヒド),飲酒前後服用可保護肝臟與腎臟功能。✅ 抗炎抗氧化:清除體內長年積累的氧化物,減少器官發炎,改善慢性炎症問題。✅ 強效抗氧化:還原體內長期積累的氧化,防止衰老,降低尿酸,溶解關節積累的尿酸結晶,並通過排泄降低尿酸濃度。✅ 超強抗氧化力:比一般抗氧化物強300倍,促進新陳代謝與肌膚再生,透過抗氧化作用提升肌膚透明感,使肌膚更白皙。此產品曾作為國際貴賓禮品贈送。
- $497.00
- $497.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalNMN18000 💎 採用業界最高純度 100.1%✨ 嚴選美容成分,極致抗老化 容量 42g(每粒350mg × 120粒) 效能・效果 ✅ 促進細胞生長與增殖,從根本上解決衰老問題✅ 延長深層睡眠時間,縮短入睡時間✅ 修復體內端粒(テロメア)損傷,恢復精力,提高體能✅ 增強免疫力,改善慢性疾病與過敏症狀✅ 持續服用可提升肌膚彈性與光澤,展現顯著抗衰老效果✅ 促進新陳代謝,改善腸道蠕動,維持正常排便✅ 有助於緩解阿茲海默症與帕金森氏症引起的運動障礙 成分 NMN(日本國內製造) 輔酶 Q10(コエンザイムQ10) 吡咯喹啉醌二鈉鹽(ビロロキノリンキノンニナトリウム塩) 紅酒萃取物(富含白藜蘆醇) 乳酸菌粉末(殺菌) 七糖(七ル口一ス) HPMC(羥丙甲纖維素) 硬脂酸鈣 微粒二氧化矽 著色劑(氧化鈦、紅3、紅40)📌 含有乳製品、大豆成分
- $350.00
- $350.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba Global節必清 – 肺部健康・舒暢呼吸 強化呼吸系統,改善肺功能 容量 29.7g(每粒330mg × 90粒) 效能・效果 ✅ 選用西伯利亞極寒地區的「達夫里亞落葉松」(ダフリアカラマツ),在氣溫落差達 100°C 的嚴苛環境中生長,樹齡高達 250~400 年,被稱為「神木」✅ 卓越的肺部修復效果,改善呼吸系統健康,幫助清除肺部結節,並具有強效抗腫瘤與抗癌作用✅ 滋養肺部,顯著提升肺功能,連續服用 3 個月,肺結節治癒率可達 73%✅ 修復呼吸系統,對於咳嗽、氣管炎及其他呼吸道炎症具有強效改善作用✅ 極強的抗病毒活性,對複雜的病毒性疾病具有積極的治療效果✅ 抑制癌細胞增殖與轉移,促進癌細胞凋亡(アポトーシス) 成分 落葉松形成層・木質部萃取物(ロシア製造) 桔梗粉末 板藍根萃取物(板藍根エキス末,含糊精) 結晶纖維素(結晶乜ルロ-ス) HPMC(羥丙甲纖維素) 硬脂酸鈣 二氧化矽
- $389.00
- $389.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalBizuki 納豆激酶 心血管健康的守護者 💖 穩定血壓・平衡血糖・調節血脂,維持血管健康! 容量 📦 26.1g(每粒290mg × 90粒) 主要功效 ✅ 預防心肌梗塞、腦中風:防止血栓形成,並有效修復腦中風後的後遺症。✅ 長效作用:唯一 可持續8小時以上 的納豆激酶,純度超過 9000FU,效果顯著。✅ 預防動脈硬化・改善血液循環: 防止動脈狹窄,讓血流更順暢,降低心血管疾病風險。 分解血栓、溶解纖維蛋白,防止血管阻塞。✅ 自然調節血壓:不依賴降壓藥,逐步穩定血壓至正常水平。✅ 調節血脂: 降低壞的低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL),提升好的高密度脂蛋白膽固醇(HDL)。 減少動脈壁脂肪沉積,延緩動脈硬化進程。✅ 改善腸道健康・促進消化: 調整腸道菌群,減少腸道發炎問題。 緩解消化不良、腹脹、便秘等腸胃不適。✅ 抗氧化作用:中和體內自由基,減少細胞氧化損傷,維持健康年輕狀態。 適合以下族群 🔹 想預防心肌梗塞、腦中風的人🔹 有高血壓、高血脂問題,希望自然調節的人🔹 擔心動脈硬化,想要維持血管彈性的人🔹 餐後血糖、血脂容易飆升的人🔹 希望改善腸道健康、促進腸道蠕動的人🔹 關心心血管健康,想預防血管堵塞的人
- $132.00
- $132.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalIntestinal problems will make you prone to disease, obesity and aging! "Intestinal Cleansing Active Probiotics" regulates the intestines with 5.1 billion probiotics, improves constipation, diarrhea, bad breath and skin problems caused by intestinal problems, and comprehensively protects intestinal health. It is especially suitable for...
- $21.00
- $21.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalHow to use First wash your hair with shampoo, pour an appropriate amount of hair care essence into the palm of your hand, apply it evenly on your hair, avoiding contact with the roots, then gently massage your hair for one to two minutes,...
- $13.00
- $13.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalTraditional hair dyes are more irritating and harmful to the scalp. Regular use can easily cause hair to become dry and dull, make the scalp sensitive, and even increase hair loss. Japan's 50 Megumi natural seaweed hair dye hair cream contains 5 natural seaweed...
- $16.00
- $16.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalContaining POLA's original whitening ingredients, it makes the skin exude clear, bright and extremely transparent feeling from the inside out. Helps improve cell self-clearance function, regulate melanin distribution, and effectively resist oxidation and ultraviolet rays. Makes skin glow and whiten from deep inside. 🔹Whitening:...
- $53.00
- $53.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalAnti-glycation oral liquid is POLA’s best-selling product and is very popular in Japan and other regions. Oral liquid repairs your skin from the inside out Remove metabolic glycated substances from the root, improve cell metabolism, moisturize, tighten, whiten, anti-glycation, antioxidant and other all-round skin...
- $72.00
- $72.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalAre there too many drinking parties? Do you often feel unwell the next day after drinking alcohol? There are many similar anti-hangover pills sold in Japan, which can greatly reduce physical discomfort when taken before drinking alcohol. One pill of this flagship drink before...
- $6.00
- $6.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalFancl Beauty Collagen Powder 30 pieces imported from Japan and genuine Firm skin and refine pores HTC collagen: The molecule is fine and is easier to be absorbed by the skin than ordinary collagen, effectively replenishing the skin's daily loss of collagen. Improve repair...
- $32.00
- $32.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalGood training + flexible thinking, with golden dual effects. User satisfaction exceeds 90%. Japan's DHA health food has been the sales No. 1 for 12 consecutive years. Excellent product that perfectly combines DHA and sesame Introduction to the ingredients of fish oil DHA &...
- $124.00
- $124.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalNEMI [Morning + Evening] Fat Burning FormulaStart from the inside of the body to convert old fat into heat and consume it, eliminating stubborn old fatAt the same time, it blocks the absorption of heat (calories) to achieve the effect of stopping obesity; it...
- From $75.00
- From $75.00
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Vendor: Mitsuba GlobalWAKE CUP SLIM Powerful Fat-reducing Drink Pure natural and precious plant ingredients The first glass of water in the morning can initiate the best time for you to absorb the precious medicine. Add Salacia, a national treasure-level healthy plant • Inhibits the absorption of fats...
- From $48.00
- From $48.00
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Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Rohto V Junior Eye Health Chewables 60pcsJapan kids eye care supplement, doughnutshape with crunchy taste. The product is added with crocetin, lutein, and bilberry to improve vision, protect against blue light damage and relieve eye fatigue, promote eye health development for kids Promote eye...
- $38.00
- $38.00
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Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)FANCL - Deep Charge Collagen Drink 50mlx10 bottles There are 3,000mg of HTC fish collagen in this supplement, which is readily absorbed. In addition, Isoquer Citrine, a FANCL's uniquely selected ingredient, is combined with rose bud extract and vitamin C in a "new deep...
- $33.00
- $33.00
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Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)RoyalMedic - Paecilomyces hepiali Chen et Dai Mycelium Powder 10 Capsules The cultivation of Cordyceps mycelium Cs-4 in the Imperial Medicine Hall effectively nourishes the lungs, strengthens the liver, nourishes essence and qi, comprehensively enhances immunity, nourishes yin and kidneys, improves insomnia, promotes upper...
- $38.00
- $38.00
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Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)meiji - Noguchi Medical Research Institute Nattokinase HQ 120 capsules The enzyme contained in the stickiness of the traditional Japanese food "Natto" is "Nattokinase". This product contains 4000 Nattokinase per 4 tablets per day.Instructions for use: 2-4 capsules dailyPrecautions- Please stop taking it if...
- $44.00
- $44.00
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Vendor: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Otsuka The Wise Man's Dining 6g x 30 Bags Soluble dietary fiber to consume with the meal Suppress absorption of sugar and lipid No colour, no taste, can be easily dissolved in different drinks or soup (except carbonated drinks) No side effect, safe for...
- $17.00
- $17.00
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