厂商: D21 JAPAND21 Leg-Endary 速效瘦腿丸(升级版) 官网: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ \ 象腿救星拯救双腿告别浮肿/ 升级版! 专注修整下半身身材,燃烧腿部脂肪,平衡腿部肌肉,排出多余水份,击退浮肿象腿! 针对腿部水肿,肥胖及肌肉问题,有效促进下半身血液循环,消除因久站或久坐引起的下半身肿胀。 【适用人士】:工作时站立时间比较长,长时间坐着工作或学习、经常穿高跟鞋,以及爱吃高盐分食物、宵夜、作息不定时而造成腿部虚胖肿胀人群。 一樽——排出多余水分,消除腿部水肿 两樽——为基本套装,体验瘦腿功效 三樽——为强效显著疗程,改善腿部线条,针对腿部整体循环,将下半身脂肪排出。 六樽——为最强塑型完整疗程,完美展现腿部线条和拉长身形比例,消除多余腿部脂肪,健康瘦下半身袪水肿,让肌肤更有弹性和光泽,达到瘦美腿的极致。 使用方法:每日服用3粒,可一次性/分段于早午晚餐后以温水服用,每樽90粒装。 由全天然成份配合草本研发健康瘦腿,拥有国际GMP及ISO 22000认证,可长期服用,绝无副作用。 全新升级版主要成分:添加白云石及鸟胺酸,帮助修补腿部软骨关节,并且帮助构成肌肉及减少脂肪比例,修好腿型。添加镁及银杏叶提取物,能调整下半身电解液平衡,排出体内多余水份,以免造成腿部水肿问题。功效: 有效促进下半身血液循环以消除由于久站或久坐引起的下半身粗大肿胀 加速分解腿部顽固脂肪,缩细脂肪细胞体积,改善脚型、塑造纤细线条 有效针对改善腿部肌肉过入发达问题,平衡小腿肌 针对改善减少腿部水肿,加强淋巴管循环,令线条效果完美呈现 \
- 来自 $74.00
$86.00- 来自 $74.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- $172.00
$297.00- $172.00
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厂商: D21 JAPAN官网: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ 成分: 添加超微粒子胶原蛋白及稀有的生物萃取精华,极速消除脸部水肿双下巴,法令纹,及肌肉下垂等问题。 最高品质的透明质酸钠分子较细,能够穿透皮肤,迅速吸收,做到24小时持续保湿,修护肌肤,让皮肤光亮饱满,瞬间唤醒疲倦肌肤。 尿囊素能加快皮肤细胞新陈代谢,立刻镇静肌肤,纾缓敏感及收细毛孔,同时能减少皮肤老化迹象。 单枝——改善干燥肌肤,纾缓敏感 两枝——为基本套装,重现脸部线条 三枝——为完整疗程,收细脸部毛孔,达到提拉及紧致效果,让皮肤光亮饱满
- 来自 $81.00
$162.00- 来自 $81.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 来自 $472.00
$545.00- 来自 $472.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $349.00
$390.00- $349.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 来自 $199.00
$213.00- 来自 $199.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $472.00
$545.00- $472.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $314.00
$339.00- $314.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAN\丰胸系列货品销量已突破19万/ 现货已全售罄 新批丰胸货品将于12月到货【现可接受先预订! 】 请把握购买机会! * 请注意下单后丰胸货品会于12月中时段寄出,到时会由电邮或 简讯作通知。 瘦腿有现货可优先寄货!
- $349.00
$390.00- $349.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAN\丰胸系列货品销量已突破19万/ 现货已全售罄 新批丰胸货品将于12月到货【现可接受先预订! 】 请把握购买机会! * 请注意下单后丰胸货品会于12月中时段寄出,到时会由电邮或简讯作通知。 瘦腿有现货可优先寄货!
- $262.00
$274.00- $262.00
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厂商: Yoshina JAPAN\丰胸系列货品销量已突破19万/ 现货已全售罄 新批丰胸货品将于12月到货【现可接受先预订! 】 请把握购买机会! * 请注意下单后丰胸货品会于12月中时段寄出,到时会由电邮或简讯作通知。 瘦腿有现货可优先寄货!
- $199.00
$213.00- $199.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $414.00
$475.00- $414.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $262.00
$305.00- $262.00
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- 单价
厂商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $127.00
$135.00- $127.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPAN官网: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ INNESS 内分泌调理精华 成分: 添加圣洁莓,大豆异黄酮及GABA成份,能有效改善女性内分泌失调及生理期不适症状,如经痛,皮肤暗疮、暗沉,抗氧化,体质虚弱及情绪问题。 添加翅莱决明和低聚半乳糖,以抑制糖份吸收,减少内脏脂肪堆积,将毒素排出,改善肠道及肥胖问题。 单盒——体虚及皮肤问题得到改善 三盒——为基本调理,体验身体机能重新的感觉 六盒——为全面调理,感受到身体及肌肤从外到内的蜕变 产品详情: INNESS 内分泌调理精华 D21 LEG-ENDARY 速效瘦腿丸 成分: 从豆科植物中抽出的提取物爪哇豆草叶,配合了银杏叶提取物以帮助人体排出多余水分,消除水肿小粗腿。 成份全天然,配合汉方中药研发,绝无副作用。 有效促进下半身血液循环,消除因久站或久坐引起的下半身肿胀。针对腿部水肿,肥胖及肌肉问题。 单樽——排出多余水分,消除腿部水肿 两樽——为基本套装,体验瘦腿功效 六盒——为完整疗程,展现完美腿部线条 产品详情: D21 LEG-ENDARY速效瘦腿丸
- 来自 $430.00
$458.00- 来自 $430.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $262.00
$305.00- $262.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPAN官网: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ INNESS 内分泌调理精华 成分: 添加圣洁莓,大豆异黄酮及GABA成份,能有效改善女性内分泌失调及生理期不适症状,如经痛,皮肤暗疮、暗沉,抗氧化,体质虚弱及情绪问题。 添加翅莱决明和低聚半乳糖,以抑制糖份吸收,减少内脏脂肪堆积,将毒素排出,改善肠道及肥胖问题。 单盒——体虚及皮肤问题得到改善 三盒——为基本调理,体验身体机能重新的感觉 六盒——为全面调理,感受到身体及肌肤从外到内的蜕变 产品详情: INNESS 内分泌调理精华 D21 LEG-ENDARY 速效瘦腿丸 成分: 从豆科植物中抽出的提取物爪哇豆草叶,配合了银杏叶提取物以帮助人体排出多余水分,消除水肿小粗腿。 成份全天然,配合汉方中药研发,绝无副作用。 有效促进下半身血液循环,消除因久站或久坐引起的下半身肿胀。针对腿部水肿,肥胖及肌肉问题。 单樽——排出多余水分,消除腿部水肿 两樽——为基本套装,体验瘦腿功效 六盒——为完整疗程,展现完美腿部线条 产品详情: D21 LEG-ENDARY速效瘦腿丸
- $127.00
$135.00- $127.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $139.00
$174.00- $139.00
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- 单价
厂商: INNESS JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- $202.00
$282.00- $202.00
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厂商: INNESS JAPANMagic Slimming Bacteria [Lose Weight Easily] Sugar, Fat, and Starch Decomposition Savior! Up to seven times the decomposition power, say goodbye to belly fat! Targeting urban dwellers who often have irregular lifestyles, disrupted sleep schedules, stay up late, have irregular eating habits, and frequently...
- $156.00
$262.00- $156.00
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