廠商: D21 JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 從 $76.00 起
$88.00- 從 $76.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Morishita 森下仁丹 Bifina S 益生菌30包 日本森下仁丹Bifina Si 晶球益生菌強免疫配方以比菲德氏菌為主,配合珍貴乳鐵蛋白LF,特別針對平衡免疫系統、抗感染、調理過敏體質。益生菌及乳鐵蛋白LF都容易被胃酸殺死或破壞,令他們無法在腸道發揮功效。森下仁丹用了超過20多年時間,研發「3層耐酸性晶球技術」,確保益生菌及乳鐵蛋白LF可以直達腸道,發揮功效,產生協同效應,進一步改善腸道免疫力。 紅色功效: 特別針對鼻敏感、濕疹問題,幫助調理過敏體質,增強免疫力,抗病毒入侵。 改善腸道健康,排走毒素 改善痘痘及敏感皮膚,提升皮膚質素 抑制惡菌生長,增強免疫力 針對過敏體質,改善濕敏徵狀,改善呼吸道健康 清宿便,減走假肚腩 藍色功效: 定時暢便,排走毒素 減少腸道敏感 清宿便,減走假肚腩 提升皮膚質素/皮膚敏感 加強腸道健康,提升免疫力 【建議用法】:飯前或飯後吃均不影響益生菌的活性建議早上或晚上空腹吃! 【適用人群】:成人【原產地】:日本【有效期】:有效期見外包裝(資料一概以產品實物為準)
- 從 $45.00 起
- 從 $45.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)賢者之食卓 (阻澱粉 隔油份) 6g x 30包 現代人最缺乏的食物纖維──賢者の食卓賢者の食卓的膳食纖維(難消化性糊精)是從粟米提取而來,可延緩腸道中澱粉的吸收,阻截脂肪,餐後將未及吸收的脂肪排出體外。它可以促進腸道蠕動、使排便順暢,無色無味可水溶,使用簡單方便,是受歡迎的新形態纖維。因為現代生活不健康飲食與生活習慣,纖維的重要性已經越來越為人所知,每天補充足夠的纖維可以保持倡導健康防止便秘,以及控製油脂和糖的吸收。其天然膳食纖維粉末全無味道、氣味、高水溶性,能完全溶解於不同飲料,而不會改變味道。每餐一包,方便攜帶。建議經常進食高脂肪食品,並沒有攝取足夠的膳食纖維的人士食用。 雙重支援 : 阻澱粉,隔油份新式膳食纖維,每餐一包伴隨正餐食用,可延緩腸道中澱粉的吸收,阻截脂肪,餐後將未及吸收的脂肪排出體外此產品或有助穩定血糖每餐一包,或有助穩定餐後血糖值升幅,一餐見效無色無味粉末狀的水溶性膳食纖維,可溶解於水、奶茶、咖啡及餐湯等各種飲料,不影響其味道,可隨個人喜好揀選餐飲成份天然成份是由天然粟米提取而成的水溶性纖維,無副作用,無藥性,適合長期食用且不會令身體造成依賴獨立包裝方便攜帶外出用餐,輕鬆幫你阻澱粉隔油份,令膳食變得更健康 食用方法:建議一日三餐,每餐食用一包。進餐時加入一包 賢者の食卓,亦可於進餐前後30分鐘內食用無色無味,方便溶解於各種餐湯、飲料,冷熱皆宜避免加進有氣飲品,以免引起泡沫四溢的情況大量攝入難消化性纖維有機會引起脹氣或腹瀉,視乎個人體質而定長期病患者或正接受任何疾病治療的人士,使用本產品前,請諮詢你的家庭醫生或其他醫療專家 【注意事項】1) 請遵照每日建議用量服用,身體感到異常時請停止服用。2) 購買前請確認成分,有相應食物過敏者請勿服用。3) 特殊人群(如兒童、孕婦、哺乳期·藥物治療期間等) 服用前請諮詢醫生意見。4) 健康食品對服用時間基本沒有規定,一般用餐後服用更易消化吸收。5) 開封後請儘速食用。6) 請置於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。7) 內附之乾燥劑/脫氧劑,請勿食用。8) 請置於幼兒無法取得之處。9) 使用後若有不適等狀況,請停止使用並請教專業醫生。10) 請勿將產品放在陽光曝曬的地方。 產地: 日本包裝規格: 5x(30x6克)
- $18.00
- $18.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 從 $203.00 起
$217.00- 從 $203.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $331.00
$348.00- $331.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $260.00
- $260.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $358.00
$419.00- $358.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $321.00
$366.00- $321.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $448.00
$539.00- $448.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 從 $482.00 起
$556.00- 從 $482.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $357.00
$398.00- $357.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $482.00
$556.00- $482.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $321.00
$346.00- $321.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $357.00
$398.00- $357.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $267.00
$279.00- $267.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $203.00
$217.00- $203.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $423.00
$485.00- $423.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $267.00
$312.00- $267.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- $129.00
$138.00- $129.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- $267.00
$312.00- $267.00
- 單價
- 每
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