廠商: OKAMI JAPANOKAMI Japan's Bone Development is specially designed for individuals in their developmental stage or those who are unsatisfied with their height! Official website: https://www.okami-hk.com/ Breakthrough Research [L-Vita] Growth Amino Acid Combination Height Enhancement Technology, incorporating five major components essential for natural human bone growth...
- 從 $79.00 起
$221.00- 從 $79.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: OKAMI JAPANOKAMI Japan's Bone Development | Sales have exceeded 1 million! OKAMI Jelly is now in stock and selling fast! OKAMI Jelly | Designed for individuals aged 3 and above which promotes height growth while enjoying snacks! Official Website: https://www.okami-hk.com/ 100% Japanese original quality guaranteed...
- 從 $39.00 起
$51.00- 從 $39.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: D21 JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 從 $74.00 起
$86.00- 從 $74.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Mitsuba GlobalWAKE CUP SLIM 日本最強晨起減脂飲純天然珍貴植物成分|無需節食 保持健康苗條身材 早上晨起第一杯水可以啟動您吸收寶藥的最佳時機選用五層龍 國寶級珍藏健康植物糖分油脂克星|冠有 「日本減肥仙草 」及「天然胰島素」美譽• 抑制油脂及澱粉的吸收 • 糖分最大克星 抗糖皇者• 有效降低體重和BMI• 調整及改善腸道環境• 激活肝臟和腸道功能• 減少腹部脂肪• 促進身體代謝率 • 穩定血糖• 可降低飢餓感 • 緩解便秘情況 清潔血液的寶藥可快速清除血管壁上沉積的頑固垃圾,疏通血管,預防和改善高血壓、糖尿病、痛風、中風後遺症!五層龍比其他改善降糖、腸道植物效果高出5~20倍!每日飲用讓你形成易瘦體質!幫助你的身體抵抗氧化,加速新陳代謝和脂肪燃燒,讓你的身體焕發青春活力。早上服用可清除我們昨晚吃下去產生的不能破壞的破壞垃圾、大量腐敗細菌以及殘留脂肪。長期服用可有效幫助去掉最難減掉的脂肪堆積 及內臟多餘的脂肪,又可幫助皮膚抗糖抗氧化。 促進新陳代謝變得年輕! WAKE CUP SLIM 適合人士: • 碳水化合物、糖分 、油分 、鹽分類攝入過多; • 經常坐又不愛做運動; • 遲睡喜歡吃宵夜; • 愛吃外賣及喜愛各種美食; • 新陳代謝慢;• 腹部脂肪多、水桶腰• 腰部線條唔明顯• 有便秘問題 服用方法:每天1包, 於早上起床後將WAKE UP SLIM粉加入水中攪拌飲用。 ...
- 從 $47.00 起
- 從 $47.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)REVO髮絲再生 全方位照顧髮絲健康,打造豐盈髮量,告別稀疏頭髮! REVO生髮藥丸不僅促進髮絲生長,還改善頭皮環境,減少頭皮問題的困擾,無論是脆弱易斷的頭髮、稀疏髮量還是其他髮質問題,REVO都能針對您的需求為您的頭髮提供全方位的營養,幫助您重拾自信,令您的髮量重煥青春,保持年輕活力的魅力! 獨特配方含有優質NMN成份! 更添加了日本製造的長胡椒提取物粉末和鋸棕櫚種子提取物等多種營養成份,從根源促進髮絲健康成長,激活髮囊,準確滋養每一根髮絲,持久改善髮質。 主要成分 長胡椒提取物粉末(日本製造)、NMN、鋸棕櫚種子提取物、鋅酵母 、含DHA精製魚油、α-硫辛酸、L-鳥氨酸鹽酸鹽、L-精氨酸、橙皮苷、角蛋白、魚膠原蛋白、L-賴氨酸鹽酸鹽、混合礦物酵母(含鋅、銅和硒) 、混合礦物酵母(含錳、鉻和鉬)、維生素預混料、透明質酸、輔酶 Q10、纖維素、硬脂酸鈣、精細氧化矽 【食用方法法】: 建議在早餐前服用並配合溫開水服用2粒
- 從 $69.00 起
- 從 $69.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: 三葉日本網絡商店(香港)- PETTO Dog and Cat Pet NMN Health Supplement - PETTO: Helping Your Beloved Pets Age Happily. 幸せに歳を重ねるお手伝い Official Website: https://petto-hk.com/ PETTO wholeheartedly develops a brand new and highly effective pet NMN health supplement for your beloved pets. It combines key ingredients of cellular...
- $157.00
$169.00- $157.00
- 單價
- 每
廠商: 三葉日本網絡商店(香港)Magic Slimming Bacteria [Lose Weight Easily] Sugar, Fat, and Starch Decomposition Savior! Up to seven times the decomposition power, say goodbye to belly fat! Targeting urban dwellers who often have irregular lifestyles, disrupted sleep schedules, stay up late, have irregular eating habits, and frequently...
- 從 $39.00 起
$47.00- 從 $39.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- 從 $53.00 起
$67.00- 從 $53.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: D21 JAPAND21 IMMORTAL V facial serum Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Ingredients: Infused with ultrafine collagen particles and rare biological extracts, it rapidly eliminates facial edema, double chin, nasolabial folds, and sagging muscles. The highest quality sodium hyaluronate molecules have smaller sizes, allowing them to penetrate the...
- 從 $81.00 起
$162.00- 從 $81.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $135.00 起
$148.00- 從 $135.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $57.00 起
$113.00- 從 $57.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $92.00 起
$183.00- 從 $92.00 起
- 單價
- 每
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