廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Suntory三得利 芝麻明EX 日本超熱賣 | 平均每8秒售賣1樽 | 芝麻明EX全面幫助睡眠,活力,抗老 | 好眠青春夠活力 強效三合一:幫助入睡,調節生理機能,維持體力主要嘅熟睡護肝元素 「芝麻素」經過30年研究可以直達肝臟淨化壞因子,改善肝臟活力,重啟深層睡眠!加上調節自律神經嘅「玄米多酚」!幫助身體回復平衡! 活力、體力都回歸最初!身心都輕鬆平穩更易入睡!有「維生素E」,擊退內在老化困擾 減淡皮膚嘅歲月痕跡!自然內外年輕,煥然一新!注意事項1. 請置於幼兒無法取得處。2. 皮膚敏感者,建議使用前請先作敏感測試,確認無刺激反應再使用。3. 請避免使用於傷口、紅腫及濕疹等皮膚異常部位。4. 使用中若感到紅腫、發癢、刺痛等異常狀況,請停止使用並諮詢皮膚科醫師。5. 若不慎誤入眼睛,請即刻以大量清水沖洗,如有不適請儘速就醫治療。6. 請避免掉落或重力撞擊,以防止瓶器破碎龜裂。7. 使用完畢後,務必將蓋子蓋緊避免產品變質。8. 拆封後,請盡快使用完畢。
- 從 $57.00 起
- 從 $57.00 起
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廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)KOSE GRACE ONE 亮白防曬凝露100g 8 種護膚效果 1 桶,1 步運動,真正使用或抵抗補水防潮、抗氧化、抗紫外線、日常使用、連續表面成膜、化學補水、防泛水、超貼心熟齡肌膚光老化的注意事項 搽 GRACE ONE 亮白抗凝高純度,美白,美白,日系最強抗衰老等級(SPF50+ PA++++),同時去黃,保濕,美白!加性美白主動成功解決每個月發黃問題有效抗黑色素,減少紫外線等陽光傷害,預防色斑額外的保濕補水效果,如膠原蛋白EX修復月環肌膚,柔滑肌膚紋理,細化嘴角眼角高效抗老紅精華,滋養滋潤肌膚的同時,賦予肌膚水潤感凝練質地,靚麗肌膚,易吸收,補水同時連鎖水,美白水潤肌膚,淡雅花香如何使用:清晨洁面後,取適量均勻塗抹於面部和頸部,讓肌膚充分吸收。-標準:100G-原產地:日本
- $41.00
- $41.00
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廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)KOSE GRACE ONE 真皮修復活肌面霜 100g 真皮起效,修復歲月痕跡,滋潤滲透,深層次復原滲透性極高,易於穿透角質層,於真皮發揮高度抗氧化、重建效果。高濃度膠原蛋白 : 源源提供建構肌底的養份,回復緊密組織,皮膚重現飽滿。提供促進細胞再生的營養,使肌膚保持年輕循環。 使用方法洗面後,大約一元大小份量,輕輕按摩全面直至滲透吸收。亦可集中塗於希望重點改善皺紋的位置。 適用膚質 一般膚質
- $23.00
- $23.00
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廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Morishita 森下仁丹 Bifina S 益生菌30包 日本森下仁丹Bifina Si 晶球益生菌強免疫配方以比菲德氏菌為主,配合珍貴乳鐵蛋白LF,特別針對平衡免疫系統、抗感染、調理過敏體質。益生菌及乳鐵蛋白LF都容易被胃酸殺死或破壞,令他們無法在腸道發揮功效。森下仁丹用了超過20多年時間,研發「3層耐酸性晶球技術」,確保益生菌及乳鐵蛋白LF可以直達腸道,發揮功效,產生協同效應,進一步改善腸道免疫力。 紅色功效: 特別針對鼻敏感、濕疹問題,幫助調理過敏體質,增強免疫力,抗病毒入侵。 改善腸道健康,排走毒素 改善痘痘及敏感皮膚,提升皮膚質素 抑制惡菌生長,增強免疫力 針對過敏體質,改善濕敏徵狀,改善呼吸道健康 清宿便,減走假肚腩 藍色功效: 定時暢便,排走毒素 減少腸道敏感 清宿便,減走假肚腩 提升皮膚質素/皮膚敏感 加強腸道健康,提升免疫力 【建議用法】:飯前或飯後吃均不影響益生菌的活性建議早上或晚上空腹吃! 【適用人群】:成人【原產地】:日本【有效期】:有效期見外包裝(資料一概以產品實物為準)
- 從 $45.00 起
- 從 $45.00 起
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廠商: 三葉日本網絡商城(香港)Rohto樂敦V5a強目素 5大護眼成份,提升視力5大要素,延緩眼退化 世界第一OTC眼藥水品牌*1“樂敦”旗下再添新成員!樂敦V5強目素,通過內服形式補充人體所需的兩大明眼營養成分,保護視網膜,維持清晰視野。 優點: 提升視力5大要素 強化視網膜,提升視力,改善老花、近視 預防、延緩晶體混濁退化 強化睫狀肌,調整焦距能力 促進血液循環,擊退紅筋疲勞 平衡淚液分泌,改善眼乾 1粒特細膠囊已含有以下成份 :萬壽菊精華(含專利FloraGLO葉黃素及OPTISHARP®️Natural玉米黃素)Mirtoselect®️北歐野生藍莓及日本北海道藍靛果天然魚油 (DHA:EPA黃金比例5:1)雞肉精華、白藜蘆醇、生薑精華、維他命E 產品中添加的葉黃素與玉米黃素(與葉黃素同屬類胡蘿蔔素家族),是公認的保護視網膜的兩大明眼營養成分,能夠幫助視網膜免受光線傷害,以內養外地改善眼睛機能。 食用方法 :每日1粒,無需咀嚼,早上服用,效果更佳 注意事項 : 身體感到異常時請停止服用。 請確認原料,有相應食物過敏者請勿服用。 請置於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 若內附有乾燥劑/脫氧劑,請勿食用。 請置於幼兒無法取得之處。 使用後若有不適等狀況,請停止使用並請教專業醫生。 請勿將產品放在陽光曝曬的地方。 儲存方式 : 存放於乾淨及陰涼乾燥處。避免陽光直射。 避免兒童觸及。 開啟包裝袋後,請存放於陰涼乾燥處,並盡快服用。 產品規格 : 30粒產地 :日本
- $18.00
- $18.00
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廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- 從 $54.00 起
$68.00- 從 $54.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $138.00 起
$151.00- 從 $138.00 起
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- 每
廠商: D21 JAPAND21 IMMORTAL V facial serum Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Ingredients: Infused with ultrafine collagen particles and rare biological extracts, it rapidly eliminates facial edema, double chin, nasolabial folds, and sagging muscles. The highest quality sodium hyaluronate molecules have smaller sizes, allowing them to penetrate the...
- 從 $83.00 起
$165.00- 從 $83.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: D21 JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 從 $76.00 起
$88.00- 從 $76.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $58.00 起
$115.00- 從 $58.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $94.00 起
$187.00- 從 $94.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANDeveloped and produced by a GMP-certified factory,awarded the ISO 22000 certificate. Safe, natural, and effective, improving 16 common female issues! Acne treatment | Reducing visceral fat | Beautifying the skin | Regulating endocrine system | Boosting metabolism | Reducing acne and dark spots formation...
- 從 $439.00 起
$468.00- 從 $439.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $421.00 起
$526.00- 從 $421.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $515.00 起
$617.00- 從 $515.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $246.00 起
$319.00- 從 $246.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $179.00 起
$221.00- 從 $179.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: OKAMI JAPANOKAMI Japan's Bone Development is specially designed for individuals in their developmental stage or those who are unsatisfied with their height! Official website: https://www.okami-hk.com/ Breakthrough Research [L-Vita] Growth Amino Acid Combination Height Enhancement Technology, incorporating five major components essential for natural human bone growth...
- 從 $81.00 起
$226.00- 從 $81.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: INNESS JAPAND21 Leg-Endary Rapid Slimming Pills (Upgraded Version) Official Website: https://www.yoshina-jp.com/ Description: The ultimate leg-slimming solution. Upgraded version! Key Ingredients in the new upgraded version: Added white marble and ornithine to help repair leg cartilage joints, promote muscle formation, reduce fat ratio, and improve leg...
- 從 $203.00 起
$217.00- 從 $203.00 起
- 單價
- 每
廠商: Yoshina JAPANYOSHINA Premium Breast Enhancement Set - Over 1.2 million units sold! YOSHINA sales are excellent, and all stock is sold out. 👏🏻 Due to limited quantities of the new batch of YOSHINA, priority reservations are now being accepted! We appreciate everyone's enthusiastic support....
- 從 $283.00 起
$314.00- 從 $283.00 起
- 單價
- 每
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